Writing Ansible Playbook For Deploy Apache Website With Basic Authentication

Using Jinja2 Template, Ansible Vault, htpasswd Module For Deploy Apache With Basic Authentication

Posted by vmt1991 on 30 Nov 2020

* Writing Ansible Playbook For Deploy Apache Website With Basic Authentication

1/Prepare Static Inventory File And Ansible Configuration:

2/Create directory structure for store playbook and related files:

- Directory template will store Jinja2 template for create Apache Virtual Host

- Directory secret will store file include variable password for authentication user to access Web Page. This file will be encrypted with ansible-vault for protecting sensitive data.

- Directory mainbook will store playbook file for deployment.


3/Create secret file include password for authentication:

- Encrypt this file using ansible-vault

4/Create Jinja2 Teamplate For Creating Apache Virtual Host:

- Create Virtual Host using Ansible fact “ansible_hostname” to define value for ServerName and ServerAlias on Each Managed Host

- File htpasswd inlcud einformation for authentication user access Web Page On Virtual Host. This file will be created by using Ansible module htpasswd on main playbook

5/Writing Main Playbook For Deployment Apache Website With Basic Authentication:

- The main playbook will include multiple task with different function as below:

+ Install Apache In Supported OS Host (RedHat, Centos, Fedora)

+ Install Python passlib Module Using For Create htpassd File

+ Load content of secret password file to playbook

+ Create OS User web-user Used For Authentication Accessing Web

+ Create htpasswd File Include Username/Password For Authentication

+ Create Virtual Host Listen Port 8080 With Basic Authentication For Website

+ Restart Service Apache For Apply New Configuration

Link github download this Ansible playbook: https://github.com/vominhtri1991/Ansible_Apache_Ex.git

- name: Install Apache With Authentication On RedHat Web Servers

  hosts: webserver

  become: true



     - RedHat

     - Centos

     - Fedora


    - name: Install Apache In Supported OS Host


        name: httpd

        state: present


       - ansible_distribution in os_support


    - name: Install passlib module using for create htpassd file


        name: passlib


    - name: Load secret password


       file: /root/ansible/books/mainbook/secret/apache_password


    - name: Create User Authentication For Access Web


       name: web_user

       password: "{{ password | string }}"

       state: present


    - name: Create htpasswd File For Authentication


       path: /etc/httpd/.htpasswd

       name: web_user

       password: "{{ password | string}}"

       owner: root


    - name: Create Virtual Host Listen Port 8080 For Website


       src: /root/ansible/books/mainbook/template/mysite.conf

       dest: /etc/httpd/conf.d/mysite.conf


    - name: Restart service Apache


        name: httpd

        state: restarted


6/Check Syntax And Running This Playbook:

- Checking Virtual Host configuration file on each managed hsot and accessing website