Bash Script For Scanning And Removing Files With Extension And Retention

Bash Script For Scanning And Removing Files With Extension And Retention

Posted by vmt1991 on 09 Feb 2021

- Download script at github link:

- Copy this script to /usr/local/bin

- Structure  for running this script:

clear-files-retention <path for scanning file> <retention days for keep file> <extension of files nedd to check>

- When running this script need passing enought 3 arguments if missing any argument script will exising without actions 

- If passing all requriment argument, in next step script will list again all value for checking and prompt Yes/No confirm to continue

- Choose Y and script will scanning and removing files with condiontion passing to arguments. List of file removed will be logged in file: /var/log/clear-files-ddmmyyy:hour:minute.log